

David is happy to offer help with….. One off preaching engagements | Speaking at church family weekends | Conducting seminars particularly on leadership and preaching | Leading clergy retreats and study days | One to one mentoring of church leaders | Consulting with PCC's about a vision for their church | Being ‘in residence’ at a church for a period of time to reflect, assess and offer ways forward

I will have been ordained 50 years in 2019. So I am fairly old! But my hope is - through reading, speaking and thinking – to remain up to date with what is happening in society and in the Church where things move so fast. Even in the Church!


The first and longest phase of my ministry was my time as a church leader in Kent, Yorkshire, Lancashire and Surrey. This included a brief, and for me enormously valuable, time as a part time tutor at Ridley Hall, Cambridge.


The second phase has been a period of active retirement beginning in 2010 when I set up Zoe Ministry. This has enabled me to continue to preach and teach locally and across the country. During this time I have spent many hours walking alongside church leaders, sometime in a private one to one capacity but also through Diocesan based schemes, notably in Carlisle and London.


The current (and last!?) phase started in 2019. Now based in Derby, I hope to continue

  • Preach and teach wherever I am invited
  • Encourage church leaders in their ministry
  • Write and blog

If you would like to check my BLOG please click HERE

This Unbearable Holiday

David’s latest book, written with his characteristic warmth and gentle wit, is a compilation of fortnightly blogs in which he charted the progress of Covid-19 from March 2020 to March 2021.

The selection of blogs are arranged under the seasons of the year; each season begins with a poem and a brief comment followed by 10 blogs and ending with a longer meditation reflecting on how the Pandemic might shape our thinking about the goodness of God, the well-being of society, the future of the Church and our own personal journey.

This Unbearable Holiday, despite its rather gloomy title, will be welcomed by all who are looking for a message of hope in these dark times.


The Book is priced at £7.99
(+ £2.00 for postage)

Copies can be ordered from AMAZON:
Click this link to order from Amazon


Copies can also be ordered from:
350 Kedleston Road, Allestree,
Derby DE22 2TE
Phone: 01332 297654
email: david@zoeministry.co.uk

Are We Nearly There Yet?

In this new book David Bracewell takes us on a roller coaster ride through Revelation. It has been said that 90% of Christians can’t get into it and the other 10% can’t get out of it. David is passionate to encourage both groups to lay aside their fears and fixations and to take a fresh look at this beautiful, mysterious and utterly relevant book.

The book is in two parts. Part one takes us through the whole of Revelation, showing how John weaves his vision of the battle between God and Satan, the final victory of the Lamb, and the creation of a new heaven and earth, into a rich and coherent tapestry. Part two focuses on six topics which were of vital importance to John’s churches in Asia Minor, and draws out their significance for the life of the Church today: worship, witness, holiness, judgment, community and heaven.

The Book is priced at £9.99
(+ £2.00 for postage)

Copies can be ordered from AMAZON:
Click this link to order from Amazon


Copies can also be ordered from:
350 Kedleston Road, Allestree,
Derby DE22 2TE
Phone: 01332 297654
email: david@zoeministry.co.uk

Details of this book including an order form, can be downloaded HERE

15 Minutes to Wake the Dead

This book brings together 24 of David’s sermons. Each has a brief introduction explaining the setting and occasion of the sermon and suggesting the challenge involved in preaching it.

There are also a number of brief reflections from members of the congregation, and some delightful cartoons. It is a book of sermons, but also a book about the art of preaching. There is an introductory chapter which addresses the issue of what makes for a good sermon.

The paperback book is 192 pages long and is priced at £8.99 (+£1.40 postage)


Copies can be ordered from:

350 Kedleston Road, Allestree, Derby DE22 2TE
Phone: 01332 297654
email: david@zoeministry.co.uk

This book can also be ordered from Amazon:

Click this link to order from Amazon
(the link will open Amazon in a new page in your browser)

Scripture Union

I continue to write Daily Bread notes for Scripture Union and the next contribution is on a tricky biblical passage:  Romans 9-11.

Not sure I've understood these chapters fully but you might like to take a look and let me know. They will appear in the April-June 2021 Edition.

Daily Bread April-June 2019



‘We’re all in this together.’

This is the title of a new book in preparation. It will be a companion volume to my ’15 Minutes to Wake the Dead’. There will be a selection of sermons preached during retirement with an updated introductory chapter on the art of preaching, and then a number of chapters on the theme of proclamation based on the conviction that every disciple is a called to be a proclaimer of the good news of Jesus.